
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Back to school

My little guys just started Kindergarten. I can't believe it! Where does the time go? It doesn't seem like it has already been 5 1/2 years. Just CRAZY. Here are my back to school layouts.
Kit: It's Elementary by Dani Mogstad, Template by Cindy Schnieder, Stitches by Traci Reed

Kit: It's Elementary by Dani Mogstad, Template by Cindy Schnieder, worn overlay by Penny Springerman

Kit: It's Elementary by Dani Mogstad, Template by Cindy Schnieder

Kit: School Time by Shabby Miss Jenn, word tags from It's Elementary by Dani Mogstad, Design basesd off a template by Cindy Schneider, and fonts for all layouts by Darcy Baldwin.

Lastly I have a layout of the boys when they were only one. They were trying on Pop's hat. (that's great grandpa) A big hat to fill for sure!

Kit: Revolution by Julie Billingsly, Template by PTON modified, font DJB Merry by Darcy Baldwin

Templates can be found at Peppermint Creative
Fonts, Revolution, It's Elementary, stitches, and worn overlays can be found at the Sweet Shoppe
School Time can be found at Shabby Miss Jenn

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